Monday, March 1, 2010

Location - Location - Location

My reason for this timeline is to follow the family's location, so I know where to search for records. You must remember that they may have attended different wards and stakes, even if they lived in the same location for a time. If anyone can fill in the blanks, I would love to hear from you!

1875 - Gunlock, Washington, Utah - Birth of Clarence Dudley

1877, June 7 - Gunlock, Washington, Utah - blessing of Clarence by O.W. Huntsman - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 25988, p. 7

1877, November 5 - Minersville, Beaver, Utah - Birth of Nellie Lillian. She is also known on various records as N. Lillian, Lillian and Nettie L.

1882, June 4 - Location not known - Baptism of Clarence Dudley by Edward Bunker, Confirmed by Myron D. Abbott - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14895 Record of Members, Bunkerville Ward, Moapa Stake, 1901-1916, p. 8, #237.

1882, June 8 - St. George, Washington, Utah - Live Sealing to parents of Clarence Dudley - Source: FHL Special Film 170583, p. 304 - St. George Temple Records

1897, Sept. 23 - Location not known - Baptism of Nellie Lillian by Joseph Banks Jr.

1900, June 11 - Minersville, Beaver, Utah - US FEDERAL CENSUS - N. Lillian McKnight

1900, June 14 - Littlefield Village, Mohave, Arizona - US FEDERAL CENSUS - Clarence Leavitt

1902, Oct. 5 Bunkerville Ward, Moapa Stake - Clarence was ordained a Deacon by Jos. I. Earl - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14895 Record of Members, 1901-1916, Record of Ordinations, p. 27

1903, Feb. 11 - St. George, Washington, Utah - Civil Marriage of Clarence Dudley and Nellie Lillian - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 484821, p. 319 - Washington, Utah Vital Records - Marriage license records and applications 1885-1966.

1903, May 8 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - Birth of first daughter, Lela

1903, June 1 - Mesquite Ward, St. George Stake - Blessing of Lela by Henry Frehner - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912, Item 1-2, Record of Children #190.

1904, Sept. 24 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - Birth of their second daughter Blanche, (also spelled Blanch).

1904, Oct. 16 - Mesquite Ward, St. George Stake - Blessing of Blanche by H.P. Iverson - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912 Record of Members 1901-1915, Record of Children #191. [This is the only record where her birth is 23 Sep 1904, later church records state that she was born on the 24th.]

1906, Feb 10 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - Birth of their third daughter, Alta Janette. She is also known on various records as: Alta Jeanette, Alta Jeanett, Alta Janette, Alta Janett, Alta Jenett, Alta Janet, and Alta J.

1906, May 6 - Mesquite Ward, St. George Stake - Blessing of Alta Janette by Albert Frehner - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912, Items 1-2, Record of Members 1901-1915, Record of Children, #192.

1908, Jan. 31 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - Birth of fourth daughter Sarah Helen. She is also known on various records as: Sara Helen, Sarah Hellen, Sarah H., Sera H., Sarah, Helen S., and Helen Sarah.

1908, May 10 - Mesquite Ward, St. George Stake - Blessing of Sarah Helen by Albert Frehner - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912, Items 1-2, Record of Members 1901-1915, Record of Children #193.

1909, Sept. 2 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - Birth of fifth daughter Claudia. She is also known on various records as: Claudie and Claudine.

1909, Nov. 2 - Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Blessing of Claudie by Jos. I. Earl - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912, Record of Members 1915-1941, #355.

1909, Nov. 20 - Bunkerville Ward, Moapa Stake - Clarence ordained a Priest by Jos. I. Earl - Source: FHL US/CAN 14895 Record of Members 1901-1916, p. 27 Record of Ordinations

1910, April 15 - Mohave County, Arizona - US FEDERAL CENSUS - Clarence is listed as head of household and is living with his wife, Nellie L., his five daughters, Lela, Blanche, Alta J., Sarah H., and Claudia, his brother Benjamin, his sister Deborah and his mother Jeanette.

1911, Apr 7 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - Birth of first son and sixth child, Evan Clarence. He is also known on various records as: Evan C., Evan, and Even C.

1911, Oct. 1 - Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Blessing of Evan Clarence by Samuel T. Rebber Sr. - Source: FHL US/CAN 14912 Record of Members 1915-1941, #356.

1912, Feb. 15 - Washington County News - p. 2 - Mesquite - "Clarence Leavitt of Littlefiled, Ariz. has bought a house and lot from A.J. Barnum Sr of this place and has moved down here he intends making his home here." - Source: Utah Digital Newspapers -

1912, Apr. 7 - Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Baptism of daughter, Lela by Brigham Hardy. Confirmed by Wm. E. Abbott. Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912 Record of Members 1915-1941, #351.

1912. Oct. 6 - Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Baptism of daughter, Blanch by Ray Abbott. Confirmed by James O. Hughes. Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912 - Record of Members 1915-1941, #352.

1913, Nov. 10 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - Birth of second son, seventh child; Marion Ezra. He is also known on various records as: Marion, Marion E. Miriam Ezra and Marian Ezra.

1914, Jan 4 - Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Blessing of Marion Ezra by Henry Frehner. [The date of the blessing is recorded as Jan. 4, 1913 but since his birth was recorded as Nov. 10, 1913, I am assuming the clerk made an error on the year!] Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912 - Record of Members 1915-1941, #357.

1914, Dec. 10 - Residence: Littlefield, Arizona - LDS Church Census: Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Clarence and Nellie Lillian are recorded with their children, Lela, Blanch, Alta Jeanett, Sarah Helen, Claudia, Evan Clarence and Miriam Ezra. Source: FHL US/CAN Film 271385 - Census of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1914-1940.

1915, Apr. 29 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - Birth of third son, eighth child, James Donald

1915, Aug. 1 - Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Baptism of Alta Janett by Alfred Frehner, confirmed by Henry Frehner. AND Blessing of James Donald by Samuel Reber Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912 Record of Members 1915-1941, #353 and 358.

1916, Apr 2 - Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Baptism of Sarah Helen by Alfred Frehner, confirmed by Henry Frehner - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912 - Record of Members 1915-1941, #354.

1917, Mar. 20 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - Birth of their fourth son, ninth child; Woodrow Dudley. He is alson known on various records as: Woodbury D and Woodrwo Dudley.

1917, May 6 - Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Blessing of Woodrow Dudley by Henry Frehner - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912 - Record of Members 1915-1941, #359.

1917, Oct. 7 - Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Baptism of Claudia by Harold Reber, confirmed by Samuel Reber. - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912 Record of Members 1915-1941, #355.

1918, Nov. 28 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - Birth of their sixth daughter, tenth child; Ruby. Also known on various records as Rubby. There is no blessing record for Ruby.

1919, Sept. 7 - Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Baptism of Evan Clarence by Alfred Frehner. He was confirmed by Samuel Reber Sr. - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912 Record of Members 1915-1941, #356.

1919, Oct. 30 - St. George, Washington, Utah - Record of Temple Endowments for Clarence and Nellie Lillian, their sealing and the sealing of these children to their parents: Lela, Blanch, Alta Jenett, Sarah Helen, Claudia, Evan Clarence, Marion Ezra, James Donald, Woodrwo Dudley and Ruby. Source: FHL Special Film #0170578 Book D, Page 78, No. 1038 and 1041 - St. George Temple - Record of Living Endowments; FHL Special Film #0170580, Book C, p. 40 - St. George Temple - Living Sealings - Previously Married; and FHL Special Film #170588, Book E., Pages 314-315 - St. George Temple Records - Sealings of Children to Parents.

1920, Jan. 5 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - US FEDERAL CENSUS - Clarence and Nettie L. are listed with their ten children: lela, Blanche, Alta J., Sarah H., Claudia, Evan C., Marion E., James D., Woodrow D. and Ruby.

1920, Nov. 20 - Record of Land Patents: Patent Number 783358. Registered at the Land Office at Phoenix, Arizona - for the 'southwest quarter of Section thirty-five in Township forty-one north of Range fifteen west of the Gila and Salt River Meridian, Arizona, containing one hundred sixty acres.' - Source: DO: SEARCH FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS LAND.

1921, Jan. 5 - Residence: Mesquite, Nev. - LDS Church Census: Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Clarence and Nellie L. McKnight Leavitt are recorded with their ten children, Lela, Blanche, Alta J., Sera H., Claudia, Even C., Marion E., James D., Woodbury D., and Ruby. Source: FHL US/CAN Film 271385 - Census of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1914-1940.

1922, Aug. 29 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - Birth of their seventh daughter, eleventh child; Madge. Source: Arizona - Vital Records - Births 1887-1931 and Death Certificates 1878-1956; State Index No.445, Co. Registrar No.96 -

1922, Oct. 21 - Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Baptism of Marion Ezra by Vernon Pollick, confirmed by James S. Abbott - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912 Record of Members 1915-1941, #357.

1923, Jul 16 - St. George, Washington, Utah - Marriage of Alta Janette to John William Anderson - Source: FHL Film #484826 Item #333, State of Utah, Washington County - Application for License to Marry.

1924, Feb 28 - St. George, Washington, Utah - Marriage of Blanche to William Luther Bennett - Source: FHL Film #484826 Item #395 - State of Utah, Washington County - Application For License to Marry.

1924, May 4 - Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Baptism of James Donald by Robert Reber, confirmed by Joseph H. Reber - Source: FHL US/CAN Film 14912 Record of Members 1915-1941, #358.

1924, Jun 18 - St. George, Washington, Utah - Marriage of Lela to Burdette Clarence Williamson - Source: Western States Marriage Index -

1925, Jun 15 - St. George, Washington, Utah - Marriage of Sarah Helen to Shelby John Carr - Source: FHL US/Can 484826 No. 492 - State of Utah, Washington County - Application For License to Marry and FHL Film #484822 Book C Pg. 582 - State of Utah, County of Washington, Marriage License

1925, Oct 8 - Residence: Littlefield, Arizona - LDS Church Census: Mesquite Ward, Moapa Stake - Clarence and Nellie Lillian McKnight Leavitt are recorded with their eight children, Sarah Hellen, Claudia, Evan Clarence, Marion Ezra, James Donald, Woodrow Dudley, Madge and Ruby. Source: FHL US/CAN Film 271385 - Census of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1914-1940.

1926, Apr. 20 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - Birth of their seventh son, twelfth child; Stanley Lamar. He is also known on various records as Stanly Lamar and Stanley L. Source: Arizona - Vital Records - Births 1887-1931 and Death Certificates 1878-1956; State File #398 -

1926, Jun 1 - Littlefield Ward, Moapa Stake - Blessing of Stanley Lamar by Joseph Frehner - Source: FHL US/CAN 2405, p. 1542 - Record of Members, Births and Blessings 1926, #119.

1927, Jun 5 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - Baptism of Ruby by Harold Reber, confirmed by Lewis Adams - Source: FHL US/CAN 2409, p. 1398 Littlefield Ward, Moapa Stake, Baptisms and Confirmations, 1927. [Her birth is recorded as 28 Nov 1919 on this record, which cannot be right, or she could not have been baptized, for she would only have been 7 years old at this time.]

1929, Jul. 10 - Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada - Marriage of Claudia to William Cleo Ponton - I DO NOT HAVE A SOURCE FOR THIS MARRIAGE.

1930, Apr 7 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - US FEDERAL CENSUS - Clarence W. and Nellie L. are listed with seven of their children; Evan C., Marion E., James D., Woodrow D., Ruby, Madge, and Stanley L.

1930, Jul 16 - Residence: Littlefield, Arizona - LDS Church Census: Littlefield Ward, Moapa Stake - Clarence and Lillian Nellie McKnight Leavitt are recorded with seven of their children, Evan Clarence, Marian Ezra, James Donald, Woodrow Dudley, Ruby, Madge and Stanley Lamar. Source: FHL US/CAN Film 271385 - Census of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1914-1940.

1930, Oct. 5 - Littlefield, Mohave, Arizona - Baptism of Madge by Robert Reber, confirmed by Harold Reber - Source: FHL US/CAN 2409, p. 42 - Littlefield Ward, Moapa Stake, Baptisms and Confirmations, 1930.

1934, May 6 - Littlefield Ward, Moapa Stake - Baptism of Stanley Lamar by Louie Reber, confirmed by George Corbridge. Source: FHL US/CAN 2409, p. 362 - Littlefield Ward, Moapa Stake, Baptisms and Confirmations, 1934.

1935, May 19 - Residence: Littlefield, Arizona - LDS Church Census: Littlefield Ward, Moapa Stake - Lillie Leavitt is listed with seven of her children, Evan, Marion, James, Woodrow d., Ruby, Madge and Stanley. She is separated from her husband. Source: FHL US/CAN Film 271385 - Census of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1914-1940.

1937, Feb. 17 - Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada - Marriage of Ruby to George Raymond Earlywine - Source: Marriage Records, Clark County Recorder, Nevada -

1940, Oct. 9 - Winnemucca, Humboldt, Nevada - Marriage of Woodrow Dudley Leavitt to Coral Hewitt - I DO NOT HAVE A SOURCE FOR THIS MARRIAGE.

1940, Nov. 1 - Residence: North Las Vegas - LDS Church Census: North Las Vegas Ward, Moapa Stake - Nellie Lillian McKnight Leavitt is listed with three of her children, Marion Ezra, Madge and Stanley Lamar. She moved to her present address March 1940 and is separated from her husband. Source: FHL US/CAN Film 271385 - Census of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1914-1940.

1940, Nov 30 - Location Unknown - LDS Church Census: Clarence is listed as living alone and widowed. Source: FHL US/CAN Film 271385 - Census of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1914-1940.

1941, Feb. 21 - Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada - Marriage of James Donald to Ruth Rachel Bowler - Source: FHL US/CAN 14905 - Record of Members, Logandale Ward, Moapa Stake, 1941 Marriages.

1941, Aug. 1 - Winnemucca, Humboldt, Nevada - Marriage of Evan Clarence to Josephine Elsie Noakes - Source: FHL US/CAN 1888483, Vol, I, p. 72 - Humboldt County Nevada Marriage Certificates, v. I (p. 1-141) 1941-1944.

1941, Nov. 7 - Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada - Marriage of Marion Ezra and Rose Marie Pearson - I DO NOT HAVE A SOURCE FOR THIS MARRIAGE.

1942, Jun. 29 - Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada - Marriage of Madge to Jospeh Ralph Farnsworth - I DO NOT HAVE A SOURCE FOR THIS MARRIAGE.

1943, Oct. 15 - Location Unknown - 2nd Marriage of James Donald to Rosemary Aileen Moore - I DO NOT HAVE A SOURCE FOR THIS MARRIAGE.

1946, Dec 29 - Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada - Death of Clarence Dudley Leavitt - Source: FHL US/CAN 14908, p. 320 - Las Vegas Second Ward, Moapa Stake, Record of Members, Deaths, 1946.

1948, Mar. 6 - Location Unknown - Marriage of Stanley Lamar to Mildred Elffer - I DO NOT HAVE A SOURCE FOR THIS MARRIAGE.

1954, Jun 30 - Lebanon, Linn, Oregon - Death of Marion Ezra Leavitt- Source: Oregon Death Index at

1954, Nov. 10 - Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada - Death of Lela Leavitt Williamson.

1959, Oakland, Alameda, California - Death of Alta Janette Leavitt Anderson - Source: California Death Index at

1963 - Location Unknown - 2nd Marriage of Madge to Raymond Edgar Wooten - I DO NOT HAVE A SOURCE FOR THIS MARRIAGE.

1976, Feb. 4 - Churchill, Nevada - Death of James Donald Leavitt - Source: United States Social Security Death Index -

1981, Feb. 16 - Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada - Death of Nellie Lillian McKnight Leavitt - Source: Search for Lillie Leavitt - United States Social Security Death Index -

1988, Reno, Washoe, Nevada - Death of Claudia Leavitt Ponton - Source: United States Social Security Death Index -

1988, Sept. 1 - Klamath, Oregon - Death of Evan Clarence Leavitt - Source: Oregon Death Index at

1990, Jan. 11 - San Jose, Santa Clara, California - Death of Sarah Helen Leavitt Carr - Source: California Death Index at

1991, Feb. - Fallon, Churchill, Nevada - Burial of Blanche Leavitt Bennett - Source:

1996 - Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada - Burial of Stanley Lamar Leavitt - Source:

1998, Apr. 4 - Huntington, Indiana - Ruby Leavitt Earlywine - Source: United States Social Security Death Index -

1999, Dec. 8 - Coos Bay, Oregon - Death of Woodrow Dudley Leavitt - Source: United States Social Security Death Index -

2009, Sept. 10 - Prescott, Yavapai, Arizona - Death of Madge Leavitt Farnsworth Wooten - Source: United States Social Security Death Index -

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